
If you are from Texas, live in Texas, want to visit Texas, like Texas and you are interested in or better yet ride a motorcycle then welcome to my website.

If you dislike Texas or Texans, please click here>>> HERE

By the way, wear at least some gear (protection) if you ride. Hit this BAD BOY at highway speeds and you'll be wishing you had that full face helmet.

Mission Statement

When I do get the opprotunity to get away I want to actually get away. In Texas that means travel on FM roads away from the cities, malls, and crowds. A tent spot or a cheap motel is the desired accomidations. Any popular tourist trap will be avoided if at all possible. The horrors of traffic in Hot Springs or Aspen are to avoided at all cost.

The Machines

Be it the DRZ, GS, Africa Twin, the SEC, Chevy, or Mustang, let's enjoy the road less traveled. Interstate highways are great when you HAVE to get popular places quick. But let's agree to avoid them if possible, see things most never will. Please enjoy the open spaces while they still exist. So get away, get out there, sleep under the stars. It will do us all some good.

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